Monday, August 27, 2012

Holy Green Beans!

The past two years, I've planted a small patch of green beans in my little picket fence garden near the house.  I intended to expand it this year, planting several rows in the larger garden, but that garden never quite made it to getting prepped and planted.  You and all.

About a week ago, I knew I had a bunch of full-sized beans ready to pick and I wanted a serving or two for dinner.  I put on my gardening shoes, grabbed a cereal bowl, and headed-out to the garden.  Within a minute or so of picking, I had to go back inside for a bigger bowl.

Apparently, all the lack of attention on my part and the soggy weather on Mother Nature's part had turned my small patch of green bean plants into crazy producers.  I ended-up picking 1 pound 11 ounces of beans that night and I'm pretty sure there are more there for me to pick tonight.

I know it's just beans and they're one of the easiest things on the planet to grow, but I'm pretty proud of myself.  I haven't been able to spend as much time in the garden as I would have liked to this year and this is a pretty amazing output for so very little input.

We ended-up eating a few with dinner and the rest went into jars as Dilly Beans.  You can never have enough homemade dill pickles stashed away for the winter in our household.  That was exactly why I planted the beans.

Oh, and they're kid approved...

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