Monday, November 12, 2012

Friday Thoughts (on Monday): Stuffing Bread, Cranberry Newtons, and The 85 Year Old Gerber Baby

Okay, it's a couple days late, but better late than never...

  • Not sure how I feel about this recipe for Black Friday Bread from KAF.  There's stuffing IN the bread mix.  You heard that right...
  • Someone has come-up with a split bowl to separate your milk and cereal so you can, as one of my co-workers put it, "control the rate of milk absorbtion."  Geeky idea, though it just doesn't seem all that practical to me and sort of defeats the purpose of eating cereal and milk.  To each, his own, I guess.
  • I've never been a huge fan of Fig Newtons, but did someone say Cranberry Newtons?
  • What a neat idea to get some color onto your kitchen counter without having to replace your appliances.
  • It's that time of year again where people try to make the crazy roast beast known as Turducken.  Here's a scientific approach to fixing the usually dry results.
  • Neat story about the original Gerber Baby (who is now 85 years old).
  • Normally, I get frustrated with the overused combination of pork and apples.  However, an apple pork pie?  Now, I'm intrigued.


  1. Not sure how I feel about that cereal bowl. Certainly not $30 interested. I guess I'll just have to make sure I eat my cereal before it turns mushy, which isn't a problem around me.

    As for the stuffing bread, I like the idea. I bet it would taste good. I've got banana bread in the oven at the moment. MMmmm.

    PS: you're anti-spam is preventing me from posting a comment since I can't read any of the "words" they are giving me.

  2. - I'm not a big fan of any of the Newton cookies either, but tart Cranberry Newtons sound fantastic.

    - We tried this Sausage and Apple pie the other week and loved it:


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